CT Scan Service Description CT Scan Service Description CT Coronary Angiogram, Cardiac CT Angio Carotids CT Angio Carotids and Circles of Willis CT Pulmonary Angiogran (Child & Adult) CT Renal Angiography for Donor CT Renal Angiogram CT Angiogram CT Aorta with Femoral Runoff CT Angio Upper Extremity CT Colonography CT Upper or Lower Limbs CT Venogram Single Leg CT Upper or Lower Limbs CT Venogram Single Leg CT Venogram Both Leg CT Aortogram Legs CT Brain CT Brain with Contrast CT Brain & Orbits CT Brain & Orbits with Contrast CT Face CT Face with Contrast CT Head & Neck CT Head & Neck with Contrast CT Inner Ear CT Inner Ear with Contrast CT Paranasal Sinuses (FESS Protocol) CT KUB CT KUB with Contrast CT Neck CT Neck with Contrast CT Neck & Chest CT Neck & Chest with Contrast CT Chest (HRCT) CT Chest with Contrast CT Chest & Abdomen CT Chest & Abdomen with Contrast CT Abdomen CT Abdomen with Contrast CT Abdomen & Pelvis CT Abdomen & Pelvis with Contrast CT Chest Abdomen & Pelvis CT Chest Abdomen & Pelvis with Contrast CT Pelvis CT Pelvis with Contrast CT Neck Chest Abdomen and Pelvis CT Neck Chest Abdomen and Pelvis with Contrast CT Biphasic for Liver CT Triiphasic for Liver CT any Joint CT any Joint with 3D Reconstruction CT Cervical Spine with 3D Reconstruction CT Lumber Spine with 3D Reconstruction CT Bone Density CT Enterogram with Contrast CT Scanogram CT Face with 3D Reconstruction CT Reporting Charges CT Duplicate Film Charges CT KUB Urogram CT Angio Upper Limbs CT Angio Lower Limbs CT Angio upper Limbs & Chest CT Triphasic & Chest CT Biphasic & Chest CT Angio Brain CT Paranasal Sinuses (FESS Protocol) with Contrast CT Brain (Oncall)